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Peals Culture & special usage

The pearl is the oldest gem—often referred to as the “queen of gems”  is become more popular in human life not just  for their  charming luster and different color ,also the cultures &history of the pearls  always attract the pepoles ,also the special usage of the pearl such as Cosmetic & Medicianl Uses are common in the  pepole's life.

  Throughout the age, Human have been enchanted by pearls and the shells of the mollusks that produce them.

Almost 6,000 years ago,In Greeks, pearls signified purity and loyalty to the marital bed. The Greek god Hymen, the god of marriage, is often depicted holding a strand of pearls, representing the marital bond between Eros (heart) and Psyche (mind).

During the Roman Empire at the time of Julius Cesar  the first “pearl craze” occurred . Their value was so high that just one pearl could fund an entire war!

During the Renaissance the second “pearl craze” occurred . Spanish royalty became wealthy from pearls found in the Americas by explorers.

During the Middle Ages,  pearls often wore by   gallant cavalier onto the battle field for protection.

In feudal Japan, physicians treated their noble clients with pearl ointments and tablets. Pearls were also prescribed in potions for longevity and love.

In Persia, pearls were used to cure indigestion, hemorrhaging, and malaria.

In  many  Asian countries like china, pearls  powders and pearls  pills as well as pearls  creams and pearls  ointments are often use to treat toxicity and diseases of the eye and ear in china.

For centuries,people have relied on “pearl powder” made from ground up shells and low-grade pearls to give their skin that pale, pearlescent glow.

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