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The Delectable Oranges

Like an early morning sunrise or a spectacular sunset,the warm orangey tones are popular this Season .Once a color to be avoided, orange is now on the must-have list of jewelry colors this year, in all its different hues. Use the orange color pearls , it can design into necklace,bracelet as well as pendant.

the simple orange pearl strand  can shock every one by its strong hue, when make into pearl necklace , it  must be more attractive.

 the three strand bracelect come with orange smooth pearls ,definitely popular by his super luster,

Opearl necklace alter with the orange pearl and  turquoise,is very vivid but no so shining.

earring make with the  orange crystal  and white pearl will make every one more charming.

 if you looking for a colorful piece ,this brooch may fit for you., of course the orange can't be lack  .

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