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Design competition promotes the beauty of south sea pearls

The 7th international South Sea Pearl Jewelry Design Competition received an eclectic array of designs from jewelry designer worldwide who highlighted the beauty of south sea pearls in the creations.

The competition attracted over 700 entries from around the world , including Australia, mainland China, Hong Kong, India, Italy, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and the United States. A new category has been added for students, and winners in this category are entitled to scholarships for jewelry design courses at the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

Organized by the South Sea Pearl Consortium and sponsored by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the design competition is held every two years with the aim of raising consumer awareness of South Sea pearls.

The panel of judges for the competition comprises peter Osborne, senior trade commissioner international South Sea Pearl Jewelry Design Competition and deputy consul-general at the Australian Consulate General; Matthew Leung, head of design for the Hong Kong trade Development Council; Seung-hae Moon, director of global education at GIA , and Hong Kong celebrity Loletta Fok.

The prizes will be presented on March 1, 2009 during a gala dinner at the Hong Kong international Jewelry Show. The winning design will be show-cased at the fair. Photographs of the winning designs will be published in the April 2009 issue of JNA.

South sea pearl jewelry:

 Loose south sea pearl beads          Golden color south sea pearl pendant          White south sea pearl pendant necklace

  Loose south sea pearl             Golden southsea pearl pendant    White southsea pearl pendant

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