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A glance of LiuSha Gang Pearl Farm

As a professional Pearl wholesaler , we have our owned pearl farm in Zhangjiang (Liusha Gang or Liusha Town), a major Akoya pearl  farming region in China.These are some photo may be attract you of our pearl.

 On the way to our pearl farm from my home village,the first shock of feeling by the lying castled bank.


Just take a overlook of our farm ,you will have a first mind of where our pearls come from.

DSC00555.JPG Now, you can on the way to the pearl just by the boat. oh,oh,so many funny boats,.......


Seeing  the floating pearl farms are located in fairly proximity to one another. Do you want to
get closely to the oysters yourself.

DSC00573.JPG Oh,you can carefully inspects Nets full of oysters now. DSC00580.JPG

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