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September 2009 Archives

September 5, 2009

The Delectable Oranges

Like an early morning sunrise or a spectacular sunset,the warm orangey tones are popular this Season .Once a color to be avoided, orange is now on the must-have list of jewelry colors this year, in all its different hues. Use the orange color pearls , it can design into necklace,bracelet as well as pendant.

the simple orange pearl strand  can shock every one by its strong hue, when make into pearl necklace , it  must be more attractive.

 the three strand bracelect come with orange smooth pearls ,definitely popular by his super luster,

Opearl necklace alter with the orange pearl and  turquoise,is very vivid but no so shining.

earring make with the  orange crystal  and white pearl will make every one more charming.

 if you looking for a colorful piece ,this brooch may fit for you., of course the orange can't be lack  .

September 21, 2009

pearl bracelet choose tip

A pearl bracelet adds style to anything she wears. to own a pearl bracelet is every woman's desire.pearl bracelet is one jewelry piece that she love more. So it may be a good gift for your Love on any occocasion

Even the length of pearl bracelet is much smaller than that of peal necklace, the way to choose a piece of pearl bracelet is very similar to that of the pearl necklace, the length must be concert first ,bracelets are typically 6.5 inches to 7.5 inches in length and most American women use the 7.0 inch length.

To choose a bracelet that fit comfortably,the elastic bracle and spring bracelet is a good option, It can be easily to wear and  removed from the arm.

freshwater pearl elastic bracelet

If you want to get a unqiue bracelet ,  concern the color wounld not be  wrong ,The green ,gold,champagne color pearl bracelet can make into  a bracelet  looks more shine and charming.

 green nugget pear and gold plated pipe elastic bracelet Fashion Gold plated 7-8mm champagne nugget pear elastic bracelet Fashion Gold plated 7-8mm nugget pear elastic bracelet in green color

some woman like all thing have a heavy look ,the bracelet as well. when look at multi-strand bracelet , these kind of bracelet s are good choice for match the rope-necklace , whick will make the lady in a heavy look

8 mixed size white pearl wristbands

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September 22, 2009

MOMENTS OF STYLE:Rihanna’s “Pearly Whites”

At a recent premiere in London Rihanna was spotted in a black jumpsuit, opera length lace gloves, & laced in a pile of pearls. What more can you expect from the fashion icon that is Rihanna!? GOOD job to whomever the make-up artist is as well!

pearl jewelry
pearl rope necklace
pearl rope necklace

About September 2009

This page contains all entries posted to wholesale jewelry,pearl jewelry,cultured pearls in September 2009. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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